Truth Universally Acknowledged

The title of this blog is an obvious reference to my favourite author, Jane Austen. My other great inspiration is Ella Fitzgerald. I intend this site to be general musings about things which interest me, and hopefully you as well.

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

I'm a girl in her twenties living in New Zealand - of Irish and Scottish descent. I'm married to a wonderful guy and we live in a tiny house in the suburbs with a menagerie of soft toys and model aircraft. My main occupations at the moment are attempting to become and author and surviving my day job... wish me luck!


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Monday, 2 May 2005

Good on ya, Rove!

I was pleased to discover that Rove McManus scooped top honours at the Australian "Logie" TV awards. He's such a nice, funny bloke and we look forward to him entertaining us at the end of the week.

Can anyone enlighten me to as to why the awards are called "Logie"?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's named after John Logie Baird who had a lot to do with the invention of television. Not that I keep that sort of superfluous info at hand. I heard it on the radio today.

8:29 pm  

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