Truth Universally Acknowledged

The title of this blog is an obvious reference to my favourite author, Jane Austen. My other great inspiration is Ella Fitzgerald. I intend this site to be general musings about things which interest me, and hopefully you as well.

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

I'm a girl in her twenties living in New Zealand - of Irish and Scottish descent. I'm married to a wonderful guy and we live in a tiny house in the suburbs with a menagerie of soft toys and model aircraft. My main occupations at the moment are attempting to become and author and surviving my day job... wish me luck!


The Truth Universally Acknowledged Resource Centre (UK)

Browse stuff I like at

The Truth Universally Acknowledged Resource Centre (US)

Browse stuff I like at

Sunday, 18 December 2005

Can you spot a fake smile?

Take this test at the BBC website.

I scored 16/20.

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Blogger Rainypete said...

Dear lord I got 19 out of 20!! Does that mean I'm psychic now?

3:24 pm  

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